After School Extended Care (ASEC) is for students in grades Preschool through Grade 8.
PLEASE do not register for ASEC unless you intend to use the program on a regular basis. Registrations are used to determine our staffing needs. Registrations are accepted throughout the year if needed.
All forms pertaining to Blessed Sacrament School must be submitted in their ORIGINAL FORM. No emails, faxes or scanned documents accepted.
There is a $10.00 per family supply fee due at the time of registration.
Please click on the links provided for registration and the current guidelines & costs for our program.
Our After School Extended Care (ASEC) program will be available on selected early release days. A list of these dates is on the School Year calendar. This calendar is available for download on the home page.
Families MUST pre-register to attend ASEC on early release days. Registration forms will be available prior to these early release days.